6 Tips For A Successful Taiwan Petchem Bootcamp

Our Taiwan Petchem Bootcamp is for ambitious people and businesses who are ready to make a change. Regardless of your products, company size, market size, or sector (petroleum, petrochemicals, or chemicals). Our Bootcamp covers the petrochemical supply chain and will let you discover which systems you need to develop to create a resilient and sustainable liquid bulk supply chain.

To be successful, you must continue to develop! Training courses, workshops, and Bootcamps are worthwhile if you want to refresh or increase your knowledge. Therefore, I first want to tell you how to get the most out of them to achieve results for yourself and your company.

Some people are not big fans, often because the training course, workshop, or Bootcamp was disappointing and did not return the investment made. Increasing your knowledge and developing your skills through these events is only valuable if you achieve concrete results. Skills gained that lead to supply chain optimization and, thus, increased productivity is a real success, for example. Higher productivity positively affects the profit margin, which is your concrete result. Considering this, your payment for the training is becoming an investment instead of an expense.

While there are many benefits of employee training, it is crucial to achieving concrete results by picking the right fit and taking steps to success. To help you, I have put together six ingredients that ensure you achieve results with training courses, workshops, and Bootcamps.

1. Pick your training course, workshop, or Bootcamp

It is crucial that you participate in high-quality training courses, workshops, and Bootcamps.   

Step 1: Write down your goals and pick training courses, workshops, or Bootcamps that align with your goals.

Step 2: Review all topics and evaluate if they match your goals and relate to your daily work so that they can immediately add value.

Step 3: Verify if the trainer or speaker is an expert with real-life experiences in the topic or just a curator of information. Go to LinkedIn and check the trainer or speaker’s background to see if they practice what they preach.

Step 4: Look for ‘social proof’ such as online testimonials, and blog posts, to review what the organizer claims is also delivered. No training will leave everyone 100% satisfied, but this is a great way to get a general idea of what it’s like to be there and whether visitors think it’s worth their time and money.

I find the training incredibly valuable, as it provides a much better foundation than just reading about the concepts alone.  An ideal mix of theory and application.“— Maria Iacob, Market Analyst

Step 5: Estimate what your return on investment will be. You need to obtain concrete ideas, concepts, and knowledge that you can immediately use in your job. For example, if you spend $1,000 on a course for new supply chain skills, resulting in $10,000 in supply chain cost optimization or more revenue annually, it’s well worth the cost of the training.

“Rudi is an absolute pro and helped us establish our early supply chains in Asia Pac region.”— Rachel Brenc, Chief of Staff to the CEO at Lanzatech

2. Schedule and attend

Block your time in your calendar once you have signed up.  Attend, and do not let routine activities distract you during the training.  Arrive on time, feel fresh, and make yourself at home to learn with an open mind.

3. Get involved

You want to be engaged to receive all possible information and perform all exercises offered to you.  Results come from active participation with a positive attitude and immediately applying what you have learned. That also means you leave critical judgment behind during the training and give yourself time to experience the results first. Afterward, you can make a judgment.

4. Write down insights and action points

Write down all your insights, or you will forget them. They are valuable, but only if you use them and put them into practice. Always write down a short action for each insight, for example, sending an email to a supplier, or a more extensive action point, for example, writing a supply chain strategy. Don’t let the action points get lost in a notebook, so write down your action points on a separate page.

5. Make a plan

The success of the training depends on your implementation of the things you have learned. After the training course, workshop, or Bootcamp, it’s time to transform your insights and action points into a clear plan with steps to take. Identify what you want to achieve, how you want to do that, and who does what and when.

6. Implement and review

Now the things that lead to results have to be done. That means doing one or more action points every day that brings the result closer. Put together a clear to-do list to make progress and stay motivated. If possible work together with someone.

Join our Taiwan Petchem Bootcamp

So now, I invite you to participate in our Taiwan Petchem Bootcamp.

During this exciting event, you will get to work on the resilience and sustainability of your liquid bulk supply chain for two full days, together with other ambitious industry players. Day 3 will cover a fun activity.

You will gain insight into how you stand with your company in supply chain resilience and sustainability. We will show you how the liquid bulk and chemical supply chain works, what is possible, and how you can develop supply chain excellence for growth.

You will receive an introduction to the markets and commercial activities and study liquid bulk supply chain strategies covering parcel tankers, tank terminals, tank containers, flexitanks, IBCs, and drums. We will also focus on best practices, health, and safety and provide a market update.

Below is a selection of what can be gained from our Taiwan Petchem Bootcamp:

– Develop the mindset needed to create a resilient and sustainable liquid bulk supply chain
– Learn how to develop and scale your liquid bulk supply chain
– Find out how supply chain excellence will support business development and increase profits
– Learn how to stay ahead of the competition by increasing your supply chain capabilities
– Explore how to increase your business with new supply chain capabilities to compete

You will also receive the methods to develop supply chain excellence and learn everything you need to know about liquid bulk and chemical supply chains.

Sounds great? Click here and secure your spot at our next Taiwan Petchem Bootcamp!

Photo credit: Canva