Maritime and Port Bureau, MOTC

The Maritime and Port Bureau (MPB), under the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) in Taiwan, plays a crucial role in the maritime industry. Below are the main functions of the MPB.

1. Drafting of related legislation, administration policies, and development plans for the shipping industry, vessel, maritime labor, maritime affairs, and commercial ports.

2. Planning, implementation, and supervision of the shipping industry, vessel inspection institutions, maritime labor and vessel operating training institutions, and commercial port operation businesses.

3. Planning, implementation, and supervision of the cooperation of international sea shipping, joint operation institutions, and maritime order management.

4. Planning, implementation, and supervision of vessel inspection and measurement, registration, and navigation safety.

5. Planning, implementation, and supervision of maritime labor and vessel operation training, license issuance, and examination administration.

6. Planning, implementation, and supervision of maritime affairs and piloting operations.

7. Supervision of commercial ports and port area free trade zones, and construction management of public infrastructures.

8. Planning, construction, maintenance, supervision, and management of aids to navigation and promotion of navigation safety.

9. Collection, compilation, and implementation of international sea shipping regulations, treaties, agreements, and norms and standards.

10. Planning, implementation, and supervision of other port-related affairs.

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